Our news!
Have a look at our news stories & videos below to find out more about how our rainwater harvesting programmes are improving health, reducing poverty, building climate change resilience and freeing girls/women from water procurement...

Our News
May update from our India office team
The impact from COVID 19 is on livelihoods, not just lives. WaterHarvest’s India office team, whilst working from home, is […]
Seeing is believing
A short video clip enables you to see our work from the ground, from the sky and through the different seasons in […]
COVID 19 Update – 31st March 2020
In these difficult and unprecedented times, we wanted to keep you updated on WaterHarvest and its programmes. On 24th March 2020, […]
The rain water harvesting structures are full
Following a good monsoon, our water harvesting structures are now full. Our projects depend on a good monsoon. It’s what […]
Swimming for clean water
Swimming for clean water Can you help Mark, a visually impaired swimmer, swim the Channel? If you have recently taken […]
How our work is helping in Dholavira
The severe drought in Dholavira and the significance of Water Harvesting How are the Water Harvesting works in Dholavira village […]
The importance of the monsoon
Why is the monsoon so important? With the monsoon set to arrive in Rajasthan in the next fortnight, we look […]
Our first UNESCO conference
Our first ever UNESCO Water Conference Water can be a source of conflict. It should be a source of peace. […]
Why hand pumps are important
Handpumps – small but significant Somendra Sharma, WaterHarvest’s India Office Programme Manager, explains why handpumps are so important In regions […]