It’s World Water Week – watch our new video from Nakateete school in Uganda!

Prior to our tanks being built, the available water supply at Nakateete Baptist Primary School was far below what was needed for the 430 pupils/staff and there was not enough clean drinking water for everyone.

We know from almost 40 years’ experience that access to clean water not only improves drinking water availability, it has powerful impacts on health, education, sanitation, poverty, well-being and the environment (supporting a number of different Sustainable Development Goals beyond clean water & sanitation – SDG 6). We are so pleased to hear that since we built our tanks at Nakateete Baptist Primary School:

  • pupils and staff have access to sufficient levels of boiled drinking water
  • personal hygiene and sanitation has improved
  • there is enough water to also irrigate tree seedlings and crops in the school garden
  • attendance levels have increased due to reduced sickness levels and pupils are no longer missing lessons to collect water