
Impact of chauka from Sambhar, February 2023

The impact of chauka in the words of one farmer

‘I am Kaluram from Balapura village. Right now I’m feeding my animals in pastureland with my cousin Ganesh, in the village where chauka [a system of bunds and trenches to hold the monsoon rain] have been constructed. Grass has been developed in this land after constructing the chauka, also trees have been grown. 

The major benefit is that we do not need to go to away now as we have enough fodder in our village.  Constructing the chaukas is very good as rainwater has started to stop flowing off and percolates in the ground—before all the rainwater used to flown (sic) away from this land.

Earlier we used to go to away and we always have stress in mind because we were far away from our family. I was afraid for any kind of quarrels and mis-happening with my family.  Now I can do agriculture here which is supportive for my family as I can graze my animals here in the village. This intervention is not only changed the hassle of my family but also other many families of the village too who were having the same difficulties Iike me.’