Four new projects in the Thar

Our new projects with four new partners took another big step forward with an online meeting between the WaterHarvest team and the new partners. The meeting gave us all the opportunity to see each other face to face and to learn more about each other.

The final details of the projects are being sorted but we hope to begin work in the next few months. Each partner will be working with their local community. All of the partners work in very remote regions, often where there are no roads meaning that some of the materials needed will need to be transported via camels. At the moment, the families currently have to fetch their water from 3km away. This is often a 1 to 1.5 hrs walk away which typically falls to the women and girls.

Three of the new partners will be building roof rainwater harvesting structure for households . Each structure will hold about 22,000 litres of water, enough to provide a family with clean drinking water all year round. The fourth partner will be building a water harvesting structure for two schools.  

We continue to increase our use of technology for monitoring and evaluating our projects and we welcome the partners enthusiasm to embrace these new systems.

We are very excited to be starting these new projects.